Links I Love [3]


1. New SAT and ACT via The New York Times: These old-fashioned college placement tests are getting remodeled. Plus the possibility of going digital.

2. Hello Flo Advertisement via AdWeek: This non-agency made feminine product advertisement is both witty and amusing.

3. MakeMe App: This app pushes for you to get things done when you might otherwise procrastinate. It is a to-do list gamified for a group of people. Hoping to get my roommates to do this with me-it seems awesome

4. How Much Energy Does the US Use via The Atlantic: An animated video guide to the different energy sources that power our nation. Pretty Amazing stuff.

5. Deep Dish Blackberry Peach Pie Via Heather Christo: Summertime makes me crave berry desserts and this one from one of my favorite bloggers looks delicious!

Cheerios Advertisement // Controversial Ad

One of my favorite types of advertising is the emotional kind. When a 30-second tv commercial or print ad can capture your attention and make you smile or even tear up-they are automatically doing something right in my mind. This advertisement by Cheerios titled “Just Checking” checks all of those emotional  check-marks. It is not only completely adorable but encompasses the brand’s persona.

Unfortunately the advertisement is not popular because of the cuteness and brand message, but the controversy it has created over the use of an interracial couple.

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