Day 20, 21, 22: Final My Last Meal Post

Day 20: Chelsea Arsenault

IMG_20140220_143521What was your last meal?

“I just came from Starbucks, it was a soy latte. Earlier  I had some yogurt with honey and Bran Flakes on top”

If you could plan your last meal what would it be?

“I want a feast. Lets see. Well I love salad so I would have a huge salad. Maybe I would have some really nice French cheese and a glass of wine, and a really nice loaf of bread too. That doesn’t sound that extravagant but that would make me really happy”

What is your least favorite food?

“I don’t eat meat so veal, the thought grossest me out.  “

What did your parents make you as a child frequently?

“I used to eat a lot of carrots. My nose actually turned yellow from eating so many carrots, and my parents had to take me to the doctor. I also remember having a lot of cookies. Cookies were the bomb”

What’s your favorite food?

“I am a fiend for cereal. I love cereal. I eat a lot of cereal. I usually like bran flakes. I also really like puffin’s cereal; those are so good. Any type of cereal.”

What is the best thing you ever made?

“I took an acorn squash cut it in half and tried to make a filling inside. So I used raisins couscous, cinnamon, carrots, celery. I stuffed it inside the acorn squash. It was an amazing fall treat. I think I ate that straight for a whole week because, it was awesome.”

 What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

“Usually anything with a good string of caramel.”


Left:Remi Nevins, Right:Erin Horwitz

Day 21: Remi Nevins, UO sophomore

What is the last thing you ate?

“The last thing I ate today was a handful of M&Ms and some yogurt.”

If you could plan your last meal what would it be?

“It would probably be salmon and salad or maybe pizza my dad makes, or quinoa. When he makes pizza he puts a lot of seasonal vegetables on top.”

What’s the best thing you have ever made?

“A cobbler or my apple pie.”

What is your least favorite food?

“I hate jicama. Also I don’t eat meat, anchovies, or parsnips.”

What is your favorite food?

“I love Thai and Mexican food”

What is your favorite ice-cream flavor?

“The chocolate one from Ben and Jerry’s”

Day 22: Erin Horwitz, UO sophomore

What is the last thing you ate?

“The last thing I ate was a handful of M&Ms and before that I had a lot of potatoes at Carson”

If you could plan your last meal what would it be?

“It would be veggie samosas and chicken biryani (Indian rice) or this pasta my mom makes with smoked salmon sauce called Botticelli. Dessert would be cheesecake or apple pie.”

What is your least favorite food?

“My least favorite food is beans, I hate beans.”

What is the best thing you have ever made?

“Once I made salmon with pumpkin butter from Trader Joe’s. I was so good.”

What is your favorite food?

“Salmon, chicken shawarma and Indian food.”

What is your favorite ice-cream flavor?

“It’s mint Oreo from Prince Pucklers.”

Day 18 & 19: My Last Meal

Claire Montgomerie, UO Journalism Major

IMG_20140216_171919What was your last meal?

“I had cereal at noon–Fruit Loops”

If you could plan your last meal what would it be?

“It would have to be the best pizza I have ever had in my entire life. Pizza for sure. I’m all about pepperoni. I would want to be flown to Italy and have the best pizza, like a huge pizza. Something like that.”

What is the best thing you have ever made?

“I suck at cooking. The best thing my mom has ever made is gumbo. It is kind of tailored from my grandma’s ingredients and her recipe. It’s a bunch of seafood, sausage, and broth. Spicy but not too spicy. So good”

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Day 14,15,16,17: My Last Meal

Day:14 Jenna Barasch, UO Junior Family and Human Services Major


What was your last meal?

“I ate salad and cheesy mashed potatoes and cauliflower.”

If you could plan your last meal what would it be?

“Probably something my mom makes and it would probably be something Jewish, because that is what her best food is. Some sort of soup and of course brisket.”

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Day 12 & 13: Project My last Meal

Sarah Kussin, UO Sports Marketing Major

sarag42 What was the last thing you ate?

“A peanut butter and honey sandwich”

If you could plan your last meal, what would it be?

“I would have my mom make her two different briskets, and also her mashed potatoes, and challah, and then I would really just want my mom to be a line order chef, So hopefully she is alive when I’m about to die. And I would want her to make bread pudding, the pumpkin bread pudding. And then I would want something chocolate, and I would probably have some reses peanut butter cups. This is making me hungry. Oh also my grandmas kreplah, and her cheesecake with blueberry compote and Oreo crust. And if I could only one thing for the rest of my life it would be her biscotti cookies with chocolate spread in the middle. Holly shit, those are so good.”

What is the best thing you ever made?

“My banana bread. It’s my grandma’s recipe-my great grandma’s, chocolate chip banana bread. Everyone says it’s the best and I agree.”

What  have you been eating during this winter storm?

“I tried to eat anything that was going to go bad because my power went out, so I have had a lot of turkey and hummus. I probably should have drinken my milk beforehand”

Do you have a particular food you eat when your sick?

“When I’m sick at college I don’t eat a lot because I don’t like to cook for myself, but when I’m sick at home I’ll eat a lot of that my mom will make me. “

What is the grossest thing you ever ate?

“I know I have taken a lot of bites of stuff and spit it out because it was so nasty. I don’t like anything spicy or sour, I have a very mild palette.”


Nick Schade, UO Junior Business Major

What was the last thing you ate?

“A breakfast sandwich from Safeway-eggs, spam, and cheese”

If you could plan your last meal, what would it be?

“There would defiantly be steak. And maybe some crab, some some surf and turf, salad, and sweet potatoes fries.

What is the best thing you ever made?

“I made some pretty good teriyaki chicken in the slow cooker. I was relaly proud of that.

Do you have a particular food you eat when your sick?

“Mostly a lot of store bought smoothies or soup “

What is the grossest thing you ever ate?

“There is not a lot of things I don’t like. I always thought Brussels sprouts were way gross, but now I have started eating them.”

Cooking in College 101

I am taking a quick break from My Last Meal Posts and going to talk about something that has been on my mind recently….College Cooking. As a Junior in college now, I find it sufficient to say that I have an adequate grip on the whole cooking for yourself while balancing a full class load, part-time job, and an extremely busy life. I admit, I have had my fair share of low points where I was eating top ramen and frozen meals constantly; or going out to dinner more than I should have. Throughout my two years of living in a college apartment I have stumbled upon some useful tips on how to successfully cook in college. At first I thought I was one of the few and far between, the ones “who actually enjoy cooking and baking” However I have discovered more recently that a lot of college aged students are similar to me in that they enjoy cooking yet just don’t have the time or laziness takes over.

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Day 11: Project My Last Meal

Courtney Dellinges, UO Junior Psychology


What was your last meal?

“Mac and Cheese”

What if your last meal was your last? How did you feel about it?

“I would be fine with it, I guess. I would choose a different meal for my last meal if I could.”

If you could plan your last meal what would it be?

“Shredded beef and pasta”

What’s the best thing you ever ate?

“My moms Pot stew. It is pretty much just shredded beef. She gets a big steak and puts it in the crock-pot for 4 hours.”

What did your parents make you as a child frequently?

“Ice-cream and pasta“

Day 10 : Project Last Meal

Alexandra Brewster, UO Pre-Journalism Sophomore

IMG_20140206_192143What was your last meal?

“My friend made me soup. It was chicken noodle from Progressive”

What if your last meal was your last? How did you feel about it?

“It is probably more than the rest of the world is getting so I cant really complain about it”

What is your favorite food?

“I love yellow curry, it’s the best“

What’s the best thing you ever ate?

My aunt makes a really great minestrone soup. Its really good. Its crunchy and spicy but not too spicy, it’s just delicious.”

What did your parents make you as a child frequently? Do you still eat it? Why was it special?

“My mom makes this absolutely horrendous dish. And Its Scottish. its mince and potatoes which is like shepherds pie, its mincemeat with oxo gravy and onions and carrots and a big glob of potato. My mom still makes it even though she knows I don’t like it.”

If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, Who would it be and why?

“Kate Middleton because she is the definition of perfection.”

Day 9: Project My Last Meal

 Eden Demise, UO Junior Business Administration Major


What was your last meal?

“Breakfast, I had an Odwalla bar and I’m having coffee right now”

If you could plan your last meal what would it be?

“Maybe some Thai food, specifically pad thai. Also some bubble tea with tapiocas.”

What did your parents make you as a child frequently? Do you still eat it? Why was it special?

“I really liked carrots as a child, I don’t know why. And I still eat them all the time today.”

If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who would it be and why?

“Steve Jobs, just cause he is brilliant.”

Day 8: My Last Meal

 Day 8: Melody Hirth, UO Craft Center Instructor IMG_20140202_145852 What was your last meal?

“An apple, and I don’t know what they were but chocolate brownie cookie type thing with nuts, and earl grey tea”

What if your last meal was your last? How did you feel about it?

“ I guess I would be okay, I would feel a little unprepared, maybe.”

If you could plan your last meal what would it be?

“I think it would be probably Nabe.  Which is a Japanese winter meal, where you cook a bunch of stuff in a pot and eat it with a big group of people, that would be a nice last meal.”

What is your favorite food?

“I like seafood a lot. Particularly tuna, raw tuna is one of my favorites. I also like octopus, raw octopus is really good and the traditional food from where I’m from in northern Japan. Stew with rice on a stick  and cook it in the fire so the rice is crispy

What’s the best thing you ever ate?

“ The best thing I ever ate, which probably had a lot to do with the situation too, but when I went to Japan last time with my family. My mom saved up a lot of money and we went to Hiroshima. And we went tot this big shrine on an island and She got a fancy meal prepared for us, it was amazing and delicious. That meal was the best in my life thus far.”

What did your parents make you as a child frequently? Do you still eat it? Why was it special?

“My mom would always make me eat bananas and I remember hating bananas, and now I like them again. But the end of the banana is so mushy and gross, and my mom always insisted that it had the most nutrients, and she would make me eat the bottom of the banana, and I hated it. I still wont eat that bottom part.  ”

P.S.- Happy 50th Post Blog!